Function in SQL Server

Function in SQL server

Predefined function

Date time: Data type:-time, date, small date time, date time, datetime22, date time off set

 Every data type have different format, range, accuracy, and size

function                                                                                                         description


getdate()                                                                                                    commonly used

current_timestamp                                                                         ansi sql equivalent to getdate()

sysdatetime()                                                                                        more fractional second precision

sysdatetimeoffset()                                                                              more fractional second precision


getutcdate()                                                                                                           utc date and time

sysutcdatetime()                                                                                 utc date time with more fractional


·       IS DATE():- checks if the given value is valid date, time,  date time.return 1 for success, o for un success.

·       Day(getdate()):-day function return day of month

·       Month(getdate())

·       year(getdate()) we can put '01/31/2017'

·       DateName(two parameter)it will return nvarchar.

·       DateName(day,getdate)

·       DateName(month,getdate)

·       DateName(year,getdate)

·       DateName(weekday,getdate)


·       DatePart(two parameter) it is samme as date name but it will return integer.

·       DateAdd(datepart,no to add,date)

date part:-day,weekday,month,year

no to add:-may be +ve or -ve


DateDiff(datepart,startdate,enddate)(heredate part mean month,year,day)

Cast and convert:-

Cast(expression as datatype(length))   length is a optional.

Convert(datatype(length),expression,style) style parameter is like(101 to 105), and it is optional

Convert is more flexible than cast() because it is possible to control how we want datatype to be converted using style with convert function.

Note: cast is based on ANSI standard and convert is specific to sql server.

Mathematical function in sql server.








Round (expression,length,optionalparameter)


optionalparameter:- 0,1

0:-it indicate rounding

1:-it indicate truncate

length +ve:-round count from rigth side of decimal

length -ve :-round count from left side of decimal



SELECT ROUND(125.315, 2);

Result: 125.320    (result is rounded because 3rd parameter is omitted)


SELECT ROUND(125.315, 2, 0);

Result: 125.320    (result is rounded because 3rd parameter is 0)


SELECT ROUND(125.315, 2, 1);

Result: 125.310    (result is truncated because 3rd parameter is non-zero)


SELECT ROUND(125.315, 1);

Result: 125.300    (result is rounded because 3rd parameter is omitted)


SELECT ROUND(125.315, 0);

Result: 125.000    (result is rounded because 3rd parameter is omitted)


SELECT ROUND(125.315, -1);

Result: 130.000    (result is rounded because 3rd parameter is omitted)

SELECT ROUND(125.315, -2);

Result: 100.000    (result is rounded because 3rd parameter is omitted)