Join In SQL Server

Join in sql server

Join is used to retrieve data from two or more table, Table are related to each other through foreign key

There are three types of join in SQL Server

·       Inner join:- retrieve value when column match from both table.

·       Outer join:-

·       Cross join

Outer join

·       Left:-return all matching row+non matching row of left.

·       Right:-return all matching row+non matching row of right.

·       Full:-return all record from both matching table including none matching.


1.       select * from

                       Table 1 left outer join or right outer join

                                      Table2 on join condition

2.       select * from

                           Table 1 full outer join table 2 on condition

3.       select * from

                         Table 1 full join table 2  on condition


Cross join

Produce the Cartesian product of two table .every record of one table multiply with record of other table.

Cross join shouldn't have on.

Syntax of Inner join

Select * from

Table 1 join or inner join (intersection)


On join condition

Advance or intelligent join

Retrieve only non-matching row from left table

   Select      column name from table1 t1 left join   table2 on where is null

Retrieve only non-matching row from right table

   Select       column name from table t1 left join   table t2 on where is null  

Retrieve only non-matching row from both table

    Select      column name from        table t1 full join   table t2 on where is null or is null