Store Procedure

SQL Server stored procedure is a batch of statements grouped as a logical unit and stored in the database. The stored procedure accepts the parameters and executes the T-SQL statements in the procedure, returns the result set if any.

Benefit of Using Store Procedure:

It can be easily modified: SQL Server Stored procedures Stores the code in the database. so, when we want to change the logic inside the procedure we can just do it by simple ALTER PROCEDURE statement.

Reduced network traffic: When we use stored procedures instead of writing T-SQL queries at the application level, only the procedure name is passed over the network instead of the whole T-SQL code.

Reusable: Stored procedures can be executed by multiple users or multiple client applications without the need of writing the code again.

Security: Stored procedures reduce the threat by eliminating direct access to the tables. we can also encrypt the stored procedures while creating them so that source code inside the stored procedure is not visible. 

Performance: The SQL Server stored procedure when executed for the first time creates a plan and stores it in the buffer pool so that the plan can be reused when it executes next time.

Create Store Procedure without Parameter:

create store procedure which returns the join of customer table and internet_sales table:

create procedure cus_sale_wop as


set nocount on

select top 10 * from [dbo].[DimCustomer] c join FactInternetSales f on c.CustomerKey=f.CustomerKey


exec cus_sale_wop

Create a Store Procedure with Parameter:

There are two types of parameter in store procedure

  • Input Parameter
  • Output Parameter
Input Parameter:

create procedure cus_sale_wp(@c_key int)
set nocount on
select top 10 * from [dbo].[DimCustomer] c join FactInternetSales f on c.CustomerKey=f.CustomerKey
where c.CustomerKey=@c_key
exec cus_sale_wp 11005

Input Default Parameter:

create procedure cus_sale_wdp(@c_key int =11005)
set nocount on
select top 10 * from [dbo].[DimCustomer] c join FactInternetSales f on c.CustomerKey=f.CustomerKey
where c.CustomerKey=@c_key
exec cus_sale_wdp 

exec cus_sale_wdp 11005

Out Put Parameter:

create procedure cus_sale_wopp(@c_key int,@c_name varchar(100) output)
set nocount on
select @c_name=firstname+lastname  from [dbo].[DimCustomer] where CustomerKey=@c_key

declare @c_name varchar(100) 
exec cus_sale_wopp 11000 ,@c_name output
select @c_name

Encrypted Store Procedure:

create procedure cus_sale_we(@c_key int)
with encryption
set nocount on
select firstname+lastname  from [dbo].[DimCustomer] where CustomerKey=@c_key

exec cus_sale_we 11000 

sp_helptext cus_sale_we

When we try to view the code of the SQL Server stored procedure using sp_helptext, it returns “The text for object ‘GetEmployees’ is encrypted.”

Temporary Store Procedure: These procedures are created in the tempdb database.
  • Local Store Procedure
  • Global Store Procedure
Local Store Procedure: These are created with # as prefix and can be accessed only in the session where it created. This procedure is automatically dropped when the connection is closed.

create procedure #cus_sale_we(@c_key int)
with encryption
set nocount on
select firstname+lastname  from [dbo].[DimCustomer] where CustomerKey=@c_key

exec #cus_sale_we 11000 

Global Temp Store ProcedureThese procedures are created with ## as prefix and can be accessed on the other sessions as well. This procedure is automatically dropped when the connection which is used to create the procedure is closed.

create procedure ##cus_sale_we(@c_key int)
with encryption
set nocount on
select firstname+lastname  from [dbo].[DimCustomer] where CustomerKey=@c_key

exec ##cus_sale_we 11000 

Modifying Store Procedure: Use the ALTER PROCEDURE statement to modify the existing stored procedure. 

alter procedure cus_sale_we(@c_key int)
with encryption
set nocount on
select firstname+lastname  from [dbo].[DimCustomer] where CustomerKey=@c_key

Rename Store Procedure:

sp_rename 'old_procedure','new_procedure'