SQL Server Pivot Table

SQL Server PIVOT operator rotates a table-valued expression. It turns the unique values in one column into multiple columns in the output and performs aggregations on any remaining column values.

You follow these steps to make a query a pivot table:

  • First, select a base dataset for pivoting.
  • Second, create a temporary result by using a derived table or common table expression (CTE)
  • Third, apply the PIVOT operator.

Input Table: 


step 1. base dataset query

select CustomerKey,EnglishCountryRegionName from DimCustomer c join  DimGeography g
on c.GeographyKey=g.GeographyKey

step 2. temporary result query

select * from 
(select CustomerKey,EnglishCountryRegionName from DimCustomer c join  DimGeography g
on c.GeographyKey=g.GeographyKey

step 3: apply pivot

select * from 
(select CustomerKey,EnglishCountryRegionName from DimCustomer c join  DimGeography g
on c.GeographyKey=g.GeographyKey
for englishcountryregionname in 
(Australia,Canada,France,Germany,[United Kingdom],[United States])

we can add other column to group the category:

select * from 
(select year(BirthDate) birthyear,CustomerKey,EnglishCountryRegionName from DimCustomer c join  DimGeography g
on c.GeographyKey=g.GeographyKey
pivot( count(customerkey) 
for englishcountryregionname in 
(Australia,Canada,France,Germany,[United Kingdom],[United States])

Dynamic Pivot: 

If you add a new region to the englishcountryregionname  table, you need to rewrite your query, which is not ideal. To avoid doing this, you can use dynamic SQL to make the pivot table dynamic.

declare @columns nvarchar(max)='',
 @sql nvarchar(max)='';
select @columns+=QUOTENAME(EnglishCountryRegionName)+','
from (select distinct EnglishCountryRegionName from DimGeography)a

set @columns=LEFT(@columns,len(@columns)-1)

set @sql='
select * from 
(select year(BirthDate) birthyear,CustomerKey,EnglishCountryRegionName from DimCustomer c join  DimGeography g
on c.GeographyKey=g.GeographyKey
pivot( count(customerkey) 
for englishcountryregionname in 
EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql;